Turkey is perhaps the country that best exemplifies the blend of East and West. Mosaic of civilizations, it retains vestiges of its earliest occupants to the Ottomans, not to mention the Greeks and Romans. A small passage in museums will reveal the artistic talents of each of these peoples.
The Aegean and Mediterranean coasts swoon sun ruins of prestigious cities of antiquity Ephesus, Pergamum, Termessos ... Istanbul, with its palaces and mosques, is in itself an ode to the Byzantine and Ottoman empires that while Ankara, the capital, is a symbol of modernity.
In addition to a rich history, Turkey has unique natural sites. The discovery of the rocky Cappadocia and "cotton castle" in Pamukkale are sure to surprise you.
Country surrounded by four seas, it offers idyllic coves for lovers of beautiful pages of white sand and turquoise waters. Its more than generous climate allows to come here from May to September. Sports, especially water, are naturally found their place.
The charm of Turkey is also active in the plate! Mix of influences again, Turkish cuisine is varied and offers culinary delights. People in great hospitality, we will reserve you a warm welcome. So go ahead and go visit this mesmerizing country.
If you go through Alanya, go to the beach Cleopatra. Legend has it that the Emperor Mark Antony had offered to Cleopatra as a wedding gift, the bay on the Turkish Riviera. Famous for its white coral sand and clear water, it would be bathed in the year 34 BC
At the crossroads of Asia and Europe, Turkey alone can be defined as a continent, the diversity of its landscapes, the variety of backgrounds of the people who constitute it and the many civilizations that have lived . The country and has countless museums, full of treasures, each more fabulous than the last.
Be sure to visit the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts and the archaeological museums of Istanbul, the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations in Ankara, Ephesus Archaeological Museum and Antalya Archeological Museum.
Monuments and museums are open daily, usually from 8 to 18 or 19h. Prices have risen sharply in recent years; count between 7 and 18 euros.
Nature / Wildlife
In Turkey, the nature is very diverse; species and species are numerous. Comparable to that of the Balkans wildlife we encounter.
You will see many wild animals: jackal, hyena, lynx, wolves, gazelles, chamois, otters, wild boars, deer, deer, bear ... and even a few leopards on the Aegean coast. You will also see a variety of reptiles like lizards walls, starry agames (a kind of lizard), terrestrial salamanders, snakes, etc.
Many rare species of birds can be seen in Turkey: cranes, black kites, eagles Lesser Spotted, hawks with short legs, shrikes skinners ... Every year, from mid-September to mid-October, about 50,000 white storks pass through the skyline of Istanbul on the occasion of migration!
At the national bird reserve Kus Cenneti you can easily see cormorants, herons, pelicans, glossy ibis, ducks ...
The Mediterranean coast is home to seals, and sea turtles whose females can weigh up to 150 pounds. Around Dalyan, you can even watch, from August to the end of September, thousands of baby turtles reaching the sea from the beaches.
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